Why do people INSIST on backseat/passenger seat driving? It's really annoying. Do me a favor; shut the HELL up. I'm definitely being hypocritical here because I do it. For instance, my roommate drives too SLOW. Let's just say he's had a few offenses behind the wheel... So every time I'm in the car with him it takes 10 times as long to get wherever we are headed. And the thing is, I'm not really in a rush, but I still complain. I'm pretty sure you're not going to get pulled over for driving 35 in a 30 zone. Any cop that pulls you over for that is either really bored or is just an asshole out for revenge for having his lunch money stolen everyday in grade school. They SHOULD be pulling people over driving 45 in a 65. That is the worst. It also bothers me that the ROOMIE can't drive without smoking a cigarette and or having a cup of coffee in his hand... but that's another topic all together.
They give anybody a license these days. Every irresponsible JACKASS I know has a driver's license. You want to know why... because it's SIMPLE to drive. The test to get a license is a cake walk. A monkey could get one. I'm beginning to think they should make it a little harder.
I know I've already expressed my disgust for cell phones on the road, but it's really that bad. Everybody has a cell phone (except my one friend who I hate for this sole reason) and now that texting is so easy, everyone is doing it in their cars. Nobody is watching the road anymore. It scares the shit out of me. The next time you're driving, leave your phone in the glove compartment and look around when you get on the freeway... people are writing 150 character love letters via text all day long. I know this is a bit out of context, but how about that train conductor that caused the accident a few months ago killing 25 people. All the dude had to do was press a few buttons to operate the train and instead he was pressing the buttons on his fucking Blackberry and instantly became a murderer. I'm sure the train is more difficult to operate than I've insinuated, but seriously... What an asshole.
There are millions of accidents on our roads each year... And millions of people die because of them. The problem here is having a license is a big responsibility but nobody looks at it that way. Maybe if we pictured it like this... It's kind of like having a GUN license. A gun is a weapon. If you don't know how to use it correctly and lawfully, you shouldn't have one. A car is also a WEAPON. You can literally KILL somebody with it if you're not careful... or if you're a psychopath with road rage. So you should be more cautious or maybe you shouldn't have one. It's not meant to be played with while in motion. Wax and stroke it all you want while it's parked, but while you're driving, keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.
Now... what bothers me the most about driving is famous people. How the FUCK are you out there getting a DUI? YOU ARE RICH!!! You stupid fucking idiots. You've been out having drinks with Lindsay Lohan, huh? Can't wait to get to the after party in MALIBU? Great. How about this idea... Hey Mel, GET A GOD DAMNED CAB! If a cab is too shitty for you; get a car service or a limo. Shit, if you don't want to do that, call ME, I'll come get your dumb, drunk ass. If one more celebrity gets a drunk driving citation I am going to drive to the police station where they are being held, wait for them in the lobby, and TONYA HARDING that ass with a steel pipe.
And how about this Kris Brown guy... really dude? I'm not assuming to know anything about your life or what really happened that day with Rihanna... But what the HELL are you doing beating her up in a Ferrari on the day of the Grammy's? You two morons should have been DUKING it out in the back seat of a stretch ESCALADE.
If I was rich... CHECK THAT... WHEN I am rich... I will only be driving when I have to. If I ever, and I mean EVER have anything to drink, which I will, I will definitely NOT be operating any heavy machinery. I guess the point here is... whether famous or not, self proclaimed GOOD DRIVER or not... RESPECT the ROAD... Cause you don't want to wind up infamous... and on DATELINE.
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