It's been an interesting year. I can't say I've made much progress professionally, but I sure have learned a great deal about myself as a human being. Here are a few lessons I've learned and relearned:
1.) ALWAYS go with your FIRST INSTINCT. If you feel like someone is a jackass from the moment you meet them; you're probably right. So humor them for a bit, laugh at their unfunny jokes, let them poke fun at you, sarcastically compliment their hipster jacket and don't be a jerkoff. This will allow you to go on your merry way with a smile knowing you didn't let someone you'll never see again get under your skin. Sometimes it pays dividends when you bite your fucking tongue.
2.) Never LEAD people on. Even if you're doing it subconsciously, it doesn't make it right. It's always best not to get involved in a situation you know that will escalate to something you can't or don't want to handle. Be honest from the get-go. It may seem harsh and fucked up, but you'll feel much better about it later. People will always find reasons to dislike you, don't give them any more.
3.) Continue to WORK HARD. PURSUE. PURSUE. PURSUE. No matter what it is you want in this life, no matter how old you are, you CANNOT expect handouts. They are few and far between and most of the people who receive them are undeserving. So don't worry about them, focus on YOU. One needs to work diligently to reach a goal. You must sacrifice if you want success. It's okay to be selfish every once in a while.
4.) LUCK is a word for the WEAK. We make our own luck, our own breaks. Yeah, bad shit happens to the best of us, but we're not measured by how many times we fall down. It's how many times we're willing to get back up and what we're willing to do once we're standing.
5.) YOU HAVE TO CAPITALIZE ON YOUR OPPORTUNITIES. Good opportunities are rare, so we must take advantage of every one. If you have an audition or a job interview, and you haven't had one in months, you MUST be prepared. When someone goes out on a limb for you and an opportunity presents itself, it's up to you to make the most of it. You have no one to blame but yourself.
6.) Don't be so HARD on yourself. If you're like me; YOU are your harshest critic. It's okay to analyze your moves, but don't over-analyze. If you've made a mistake, learn from it and move on. Otherwise you'll wind up like one of those people in the DEPRESSION commercials. "Who does depression effect?" Everyone." If you're smart about this one, you can say, "NOT ME" when the commercial comes on.
7.) Good friends are rare. I've had the privilege of having many friends along the way. Most people say they can count their true friends on one hand. I like to believe I'd need a few more hands than that. Hold on to your friends. Be there for them... Cause in times of need they will always be there for you.
8.) Everyone is JEALOUS of something. Even if you're not the jealous type (like me), there will always be someone who has more than you do. Someone who has a job you want. A car you want. The type of girl you wish you had. A bank account you envy. The truth is, none of that shit matters. It's not worth being envious of anyone else. Take a step back... look at your life... You probably have it pretty damn good and someone is most likely envious of you. And remember, even when you're down, somebody always, and I MEAN ALWAYS, has it worse... way worse.
9.) You have nothing to be ASHAMED of... Unless of course you're a flasher, murderer, a pederast, or a Sarah Palin supporting Republican... If you want to listen to BETTE MIDLER in your car and belt out the chorus at the top of your lungs, by all means sing away... "Cause you are the wind beneath my wings." Just don't crash into anyone while singing and texting. That shit's dangerous.
10.) You must be willing to HUMILIATE yourself. To make it in this world (especially in showbiz), you have to be willing to completely humiliate yourself. Every once in a blue moon you need to make an ass out of yourself just to prove you're human. It's okay, we all do it on occasion, but don't do it all the time. It doesn't mean you have to change who you truly are. Be you, no matter what. You'll get along just fine that way. There's nothing worse than a phony.
Well... Happy Anniversary to ME!!! I hope you've enjoyed this as much as I have. Have a wonderful April and hopefully I can keep this little thing going.
Good list! Hope you keep writing. Your blog entries always make me smile :o)