I don't understand why people of wealth are so insecure about it. Maybe it's just my generation, but every kid I know that's my age with money is always miserable. I know you're going through the same shit as every one else, you're just doing it with money. Pass it over here, I'll show you happiness. Is it because you have a sense of entitlement? Did your parents not teach you to work hard? Did they teach you anything at all? Perhaps it's because you are all way over-medicated.
I went to a boarding school filled with RICH kids. Every other student there was seeing a Psychiatrist. Really? You needed a shrink at 16. I used to just talk to my brother when I needed advice (which is probably why I'm now insane). These robots were medicated for depression, insomnia, anxiety, hyperactivity, and ACNE. I hadn't heard of any of these problems with kids before I started mingling with the upper echelon of society. People where I came from were just quiet, nervous, crazy, and had zits. This was normal and none of them were taking medication or seeing doctors for being NORMAL.
I remember one time I was going through a stretch during football season where I had some pimples on my face. Everyone I knew at school was washing their faces with all of this prescription shit and popping pills to get rid of zits, so naturally I wanted some. I came home one weekend and asked my parents if they would take me to the doctor to fix the 6 zits on my face. My Dad laughed and said, "What are you a girl?... Why would we pay for something that's going to go away before you know it?" My mom told me, "It's not even that bad" and not to touch my face. So I didn't and it went away. Those other kids are probably still washing their faces with that poisonous shit today.
Also, kids used to snort Adderall to stay up late at night to finish papers and other assignments. I don't know about these maniacs, but my mom always told me that you could die if you put anything up your nose. She used to say, "All it takes is one time and BANG!... You're dead." And I believed her... still do. I don't even use Afrin. And these kid's parents were supporting unnecessary and possibly dangerous habits by running them to the doctor when they allegedly had a little trouble focusing in school. By the way, these are the same kids complaining about not being able to sleep at night... go figure.
There are medications for everything these days. Restless Leg Syndrome, ADD, ADHD, Acne, Erectile Dysfunction, and Sleeping Disorders are just a few things people are constantly medicated for. Stress causes 95% of these disorders (if you can call them that) created by doctors and scientists in CAHOOTS with some huge conglomerate to produce medications for them. Once this happens, other RICH people buy the pills, start a trend and then it eventually trickles down to the middle class when commercials start airing during "The View" and some housewife notices her leg is shaking.
But guess what, everyone is stressed. You can't keep you legs from moving at your desk during the day... how about this.. Sit fucking STILL! Are your kids having trouble concentrating in class or while doing homework? Maybe you should tell them to sit their asses down, stop moving their legs and read their fucking books instead of giving them a little Ritalin. Do you have a few pimples on your nose? Instead of Proactivating why don't you try using some regular soap and stop touching your face. Is your BIRD not standing at attention when you need it to? Maybe you should stop cheating on your wife or have married someone that you are actually attracted to. If that doesn't work, try to relax, throw on a porno, and cut down your intake of JACK DANIELS. Having trouble sleeping? How about doing something active every once in a while. Stop sitting on your ass, smoking cigarettes, and wacking off on your computer. This is NOT enough exercise. If you move around enough during the day, you'll sleep just fine. How about implementing a little self discipline in your diet? What the HELL were your parents doing when you were little?
Back on Crack... My point here is... Medicine is not always the ANSWER. If your kid is acting like an asshole in class and can't sit still... Ground his ass or give him a good crack on the mouth, don't rush that pussy to the doctor. He'll start raising his hand in no time. If your kid can't sleep at night, encourage him/her to join a sports team or tryout for the school play. Just because you're rich doesn't mean you can't act like a backwoods hillbilly when your kid gets into trouble. I'm not saying you have to beat them to get their attention... but God forbid you have to raise your voice or tell them NO every so often... trust me it won't kill you. Talk to them... they just might listen. Otherwise they'll be approaching 30, unemployed, blogging, up all night, popping zits, all while having a 6 hour HARD-ON.
I know I turned this into a TV-MA after school special, but I've seen so many asshole kids out on the streets lately... All of whom are in therapy and medicated... and the ones who aren't probably can't afford it. I'm just extremely thankful to my parents for not rushing me to the doctor when I had the sniffles or when I had an episode at school. They are simply, good, hard working people that taught me most of the problems we face can be dealt with at home. This goes for kids and adults at any point in your life. So, suck it up a little bit.
Life is difficult. I wish I was given a brand new Benz for my 18th birthday. I wish my parents had the money to put a down payment on my first house. I wish I could've afforded to go backpacking through Europe after college, even though I saw the "HOSTEL" movies. But I didn't get any of these things and I'm better for it. I knew if I was going to get anything in this life, I was going to have to bust my ass to get it... without a prescription.
Not to wax your car or anything, But this blog-o-la is really taking off. You're becoming a modern day George Carlin.