The day always goes by so slow, especially when you have plans to set up a SLIP AND SLIDE on the beach and sip Pina Coladas with a bunch of Hawaiian chicks. Let's be honest, I will be sitting in my house in a few hours with four dudes deciding whether or not we should go out, but still, it's better than being at work.
I think the problem here is THURSDAY. I hate you worse than Friday... way worse. Everybody always wants to do something on Thursday night. Thursday is the NEW Friday. I feel like more people go out on Thursdays. Bars are packed. People are wandering the streets like it's Cinco De Mayo. Doesn't anybody work anymore? I know this is LA, so no, but this phenomenon is going on everywhere. I talk to my boys back in NYC on Friday mornings and they are always all beat up from a great Thursday night on the town.
It usually starts on Tuesday, when I get emails that have the subject title, "PLANS FOR THE WEEKEND". This usually means, "What are we doing on Thursday night because I want you to be suicidal on Friday morning and fuck up your whole weekend." Thanks guys.
I've been pretty good lately about staying in on Thursday night because I have to work early on Friday morning. But sometimes I fall for it. "Sure, let's get a drink tonight"... That never happens. One drink turns into six... One bar leads to another... Then we're meeting this person at that bar and some other schmuck who knows these girls at another dump. The night turns into a shit-show.
The next morning I am driving to work half-cocked, contemplating the meaning of life, praying I have matching shoes on, all while listening to some idiot on the radio talk about PIRATES capturing someone off the coast of SOMALIA. Then a cartoon bubble pops up over my head, "Pirates are cool... Should I have been a Pirate?" Perhaps, but I don't think being a Pirate is a very lucrative profession. Anyhow, I'm not much of a swashbuckler and I'd probably have Jaundice in less than a week. Why the HELL did I go out last night?
The going out on Thursday trend started in COLLEGE. It was a huge night to go out. I went out every Thursday. Everyone would get crazy and nobody ever went to class on Friday morning. It was awesome. I take it everyone is trying to relive their college years... I know I am at times.
Thursday night also has the best lineup of TV shows. "The Office" and "Southland" are a few of my favorites. The invention of DVR (one of the best inventions of our time if not THE best) has killed staying in on Thursday night by allowing people to record shows and in turn keeping them in on Friday night to catch up on programs and save their energy for SATURDAY. Maybe that's just me. Really, I'd rather be home watching "30 Rock" or some new cop drama that leaves tears in my eyes at the end of the show. The thing is, nobody gives a shit what I want. So in reality, it's not Friday's fault that Thursday is such an asshole and has stolen its thunder. Some college frat boy is to blame here.
On Friday, some people are all charged up to make plans, meet up, get drinks, go out, but not me... Maybe I'm just growing up. I usually get home on Friday afternoon/early evening and clean my house, do laundry or go shopping. Friday evening has become my time for relaxation. This day only sucks while you're at work, but once you get home, it's the greatest day ever. So don't be too down on yourself Friday... but I'm still not going out. By the time I'm finished with my chores, I go for a run, make a nice meal and start getting mentally prepared for a strong Saturday performance. It's not Friday's fault that SATURDAY is just flat-out better. You don't have to WORK on Saturday. If you go out on Friday night, your Saturday is ruined. Saturday didn't create the 5 day work week... some corporate asshole that goes out on Thursdays did. Friday is furious, but I don't care. Sorry Friday, you're the new TUESDAY.
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