Friday, May 7, 2010


about the actors who participate in commercials for prescription drugs and weight loss products.  They must be getting PAID.  Bigtime.  Well, obviously, but notice how you never see any SUPERSTARS doing promos for VALTREX or that HPV shot for women to prevent Genital Warts.  Imagine Kate Hudson doing an ad for Herpes medication... If she did, I bet she wouldn't be getting banged by any NEW YORK YANKEES.

Poor Sally Field.  She's the biggest actor I can think of involved in this bullshit.  She is the spokeswoman for BONIVA.  It's a prescription medication used for osteoporosis treatment in post menopausal women.  Boniva helps reverse bone loss.  I guess it's not bullshit after all.  I find myself feeling bad for her.  I think, "Man, she was so hot in Smokey and the Bandit".  Then I wonder if she even has the disease.  She better, because if she's out there lying that would be a motherfucker.  No seriously, she's doing a good thing spreading the word about prevention and detection of the disease, but make no mistake about it, she is making BANK off of her demise.  And she was still smoking hot as Forrest Gump's mom, I just wish she would have drank more milk in her youth.

What about Jason Alexander?  I know you're from New Jersey, so I'm a fan, but what's going on with these Jenny Craig ads?  He's definitely making a pretty penny.  Was he even fat?  I didn't think so.  Yeah, he was a little chunky, but George Costanza isn't supposed to be skinny.  If he starts looking like Al Roker, I'm going to shoot myself in the face.

Jenny Craig isn't the only one... I see a lot of my favorite football players doing the Weight Watchers commercials.  20 pounds for 20 bucks... or some shit like that.  Give me a break.  You and I both know that shit costs way more than that.  And Dan Marino was NEVER dumpy, yet he's in the ads.  That guy is a maniac.  It would be impossible for him to be fat.  So what does this mean anyway?  Will football fans follow in his footsteps by eating non salted pretzels all day?  Will they start taking wheat grass shots while tailgating in the parking lot?  Dolphins fans maybe, but the rest of us... I doubt it.

You know what I'd really like to see...  Some celebrity whore or gigolo telling the world they have an STD.  That would take BALLS.  I bet that would get everyone's attention.  I mean, as a collective society we hang on every word a celebrity says, so why shouldn't they step out.  And by stepping out, I don't just mean out of the homosexual closet (which is also good), but the STD closet needs to open up, too.  I know it's embarrassing, but it will help a lot of people out.  Imagine Angelina Jolie telling the world she got herpes from banging Billy Bob Thornton without a rubber in the back of a limo... It would be ground-breaking... And awesome.  I bet you people would use condoms more often.  I can see some silly college broad in Middle America right now telling her friend, "I mean, like, if Angelina can get it... We better be careful... Does that mean Brad is tainted too?"

One of my favorite commercials out there right now is for VIAGRA.  It's the one with a middle aged man with ED (Erectile Dysfunction).  Go figure.  This guy is walking down the street and his reflection in a window says to him, "So, heading to the doctor?"  "Uh, yeah" the man answers.  "You gonna ask him this time" the reflection continues.  Man: "About what?"  Reflection: "Our Erectile Dysfunction."   Man: "SHHH! NO, I don't want to talk about it.  Reflection: "Look, you're not alone.  Millions of men with ED have talked to their doctors."  Man: "I don't know."  Reflection: "We can do this." Man: "Okay."  Then he walks into the doctor's office and obviously tells him about his noodle.  And the best part... On the way out he HI-Fives his reflection in the window.  I lose it every time.  HILARIOUS.  I know if that was me, I'd be home in the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror naked yelling at my JOHNSON to perform... "You're a fucking soldier!!! Stand at attention!!! NOW!!!"  

I would kill to see Clint Eastwood doing an ad like this one.  I would die.  For the record, I hope this is NEVER a problem I have to deal with.  According to my DAD, I never will.  He says, "HA! You have nothing to worry about, son. The Men in our family are STRONG LIKE BULL!!!"

1 comment:

  1. lol.those commercial are funny to me.i hope i don't need Viagra when i get to that age. this is why i stay in the gym lol.
