Sunday, July 26, 2009


and headed into a downward spiral.  These next few months are going to be tough... real tough.  Finances are tighter than they've been in a while.  I'm shitting my pants over here.  It happens.  Good thing I always keep BABY WIPES on hand.  I should probably start carrying a fresh pair of undies with me as well.  Maybe if my friends back East would stop getting MARRIED, I would have more money... And I wouldn't be complaining.  You fucks.  Love you guys.  Send me a check ASAP.  Thanks.

A few years back I was depressed.  I had very little money and I'd been out here almost 2 years... I was just off of a landscaping gig and working part-time at a toy store.  All I had at the time were 2 short films in the can.  Needless to say, I hadn't accomplished much.  I thought my dreams were coming to an end.  Then I got an awesome job working on a film... And for the first time in my life, I had MONEY.  It was great.  I was eating Sushi 5 times a week like Jeremy Piven.  I could go out whenever I wanted.  Man those were the days.

About a year after that... the money ran out.  That tends to happen when you don't have a steady job paying you a lot of money.  So I took a full time job to pay the bills and support my nasty habit of actually LIVING.  Finally, I had some financial stability, but that never lasts long when you want to enjoy your life.  So enjoying my life became my new job and the money continued to dwindle away.  And then once again... the depression set in.  Fucking money... I love to hate it... Love to have it.

So I started to slow down.  I started to save.  I wasn't doing that bad.  I was being smart.  Now I'm not saying I was doing GREAT, but I live a very minimalist life... I don't require much to be happy.  It was nice.  Then I got another job on a film.  My part wasn't significant, but the money it paid me was... for me at least.  Once again I had some reserves in the money department.  Before I knew it, I got a raise at my full time gig.  The savings were beginning to look bright.  Time passed.  There was once again Sushi in my belly quite often.  I could treat my friends to dinner and or drinks, which meant I was smiling a lot.  Then... this fucking RECESSION set in.

As a result, I had to take a pay-cut while those fuckheads on Capitol Hill continued to make BANK and Big Businesses were still bringing in millions, robbing us like the Jesse James Clan.  My money began to disappear.  Bills added up.  I proceeded to enjoy my life.  So much that eventually all I had in my hand was my DICK... And a few nickels, a penny, and 2 dimes in the other hand, which I had to use for the meter outside the movie theater so that didn't do me any good.  One penny left.  Fuck.

I HATE THE RECESSION.  I'm sick of hearing about it.  It's bullshit.  The GOVERNMENT tells us we may have a Depression upon us.  And since we're idiots, we stop spending.  We only do that because those dipshits over-spend and due to all the media coverage about it no one goes shopping.  It never ends.  They talk about it every fucking day.  Enough already.  If we didn't hear about it every day people would be out wasting money like always.  Imagine if we all didn't live like greedy, gluttonous assholes... the country would always be in a Recession.

They want us to be greedy.  They want us to over-spend.  Otherwise we wouldn't be the most powerful country in the world.  The government has just as much control over us as that maniac in North Korea does over his minions.  Look, I love my country and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, but the shit the government pulls is a joke.  It's as if they SCARE the SHIT out of us every 10 or 20 years to keep us in LINE.  Keep me in line?  FUCK YOU.  I'll do whatever the hell I want... with or without money.

I have no one to blame for my own recession/depression but myself.  Now the country's recession is your fault, not mine.  I didn't change my ways.  I spent the money.  That's the bottom line.  I made some bad decisions.  I also made some good ones.  And let me tell you... I had some great times along the way.  This time I'm not going to get down.  I REFUSE to let THEM win.  I can't be beat.  This time I'm going to produce a product that people want, instead of sitting on my ASS and worrying about it.  And all the while I'll be enjoying myself in the POORHOUSE.  In the meantime, I'm sure something will come up for me.  It always does.  And if not, I will make it come up.  And you... Yeah you... Go out and buy some shit... Cause "Sometimes you just have to say... What the fuck."  ... And I need a raise.

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